Min hjälte

Larry: Nice house.
Susie: Yeah, come on. I'll give you a tour.
Larry: Naw... it's ok.
Susie: No, come on!
Larry: No, it's ok. I-I get it.
Susie: You get it?
Larry: Yeah, it's a house. It's new. I get it. It's nice.
Susie: Ok, you know what? Get the fuck out of my house, Larry!
Larry: Hear the birds? Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm deaf and I try to imagine what it's like not to be able to hear them. It's not that bad.
Marty Funkhauser: Why do you pee sitting down?
Larry: Many reasons.
Marty Funkhauser: Do you crap standing up?
Martha Wainwright - Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole