Have you seen my records?


Det finns en given vinnare i Roskildes annars lite bleka bandlista... LCD Soundsystem.
Kommer troligtvis [med konkurrens av Björk, Camera Obscura och Queens of the Stone Age] att bli festivalens bästa konsert. Deras Losing My Edge är den ultimata musik-nörd låten, James Murphy berättar om hur det är att bli gammal och se alla yngre personer veta mer om musik än honom, och han försvarar sej med att räkna upp allt han gjort, hört och varit med om. Och skryta om sin skivsamling.

I was there in 1968.
I was there at the first Can show in Cologne.
I'm losing my edge to the kids whose footsteps I hear when they get on the decks.
I'm losing my edge to the Internet seekers who can tell me every member of every good group from 1962 to 1978.

I was the first guy playing Daft Punk to the rock kids.
I played it at CBGB's.
Everybody thought I was crazy.
We all know. I was there.
I've never been wrong.

Han fortsätter med att ironiskt ordbajsa och namedroppa en hög bandnamn.

Have you seen my records?
This Heat, Pere Ubu, Outsiders, Nation of Ulysses, Mars, The Trojans, The Black Dice, Todd Terry, the Germs, Section 25, Althea and Donna, Sexual Harrassment, a-ha, Pere Ubu, Dorothy Ashby, PIL, the Fania All-Stars, the Bar-Kays, the Human League, the Normal, Lou Reed, Scott Walker, Monks, Niagra, Joy Division, Lower 48, the Association, Sun Ra, Scientists, Royal Trux, 10cc, Eric B. and Rakim, Index, Basic Channel, Soulsonic Force ("just hit me"!), Juan Atkins, David Axelrod, Electric Prunes, Gil! Scott! Heron!, the Slits, Faust, Mantronix, Pharaoh Sanders and the Fire Engines, the Swans, the Soft Cell, the Sonics... the Sonics... the Sonics... the Sonics...

 Och kan man stå still till Losing My Edge vid detta laget så borde man stanna hemma.




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